Our Story…
I began a journey in 2012 to help horses one at a time while healing others. I committed to helping these animals by intercepting before auction, kill pens, dire straits situations.
I rehab them back to health, retrain, and integrate them into my programs. I believe with my heart that all people and horses have a purpose in life, you just need to have faith, time, consistency and patience! I love watching the relationships build between the horse and rider- watching the onion peel back layers to confidence, empowerment, and growth. It is truly a blessing to watch the great team emerge and the smiles on the beautiful faces. It brings me so much joy as I remember back to my first horse Acacia, who was my best friend my whole life until I was 19. There is nothing more powerful than a bond between a little girl/boy and their horse. It is magical if you get to experience it! I’m so lucky to get to do it everyday with them.
The Ranch offers something for everyone, you wont be disappointed... From learning ground work, lessons, therapy sessions, ladies nights, birthday parties, camps, small events.
We have many helpers and volunteers that support and love what I do, so you will see teenagers and adults sometimes when I am not around.
My team means the world to me. I could not do it without them. I appreciate all their dedication to me and my babies! It takes a village to make a business like this work…
Thank you from the bottom of my heart and we look forward to seeing you join the fun!
-Lisa Brownie
Our Mission
To rescue, rehabilitate, and provide ongoing care for horses and other livestock that are in dire straight situations and or kill pens. These animals will be given a second chance to live a life of love, honor, and dignity. Full circle these animals will be able to provide therapy, riding lessons, love, and life skills humans could not teach. Saving one horse can be the difference for that one little girl/boy or adult needing a chance to be loved!
Donations provide help ongoing care, feed, supplements, ointments, vaccines & medications, veterinarian checks and other necessities.
Our goal is to expand to additional therapy programs for trauma, PTSD, ADD/ADHD, sensory sensitivities, depression, postpartum, autism and special needs.
All my helpers and volunteers make it happen every single day! I appreciate each and everyone’s support and dedication to keeping Rock N Riding Ranch running.
GoodDay Sac!
KMAX31 CBS News Sacramento
Molly Riehl, our friend and horse lover from KMAX31 CBS News Sacramento, swung by our ranch and featured us on GoodDay Sacramento. She really understood what our foundation is all about and gave us a great shoutout! Check out the video!